Friday, February 19, 2010

The Reason Videogame Characters Are Mostly White

There are some black, asian and other minority characters in games, but typically, most game characters are white. They're also usually male. How come? The answer may seem obvious, but there's more to it, as explained by USC assistant professor Dmitri Williams at DICE 2010.

It's the fault of game developers. But why?

"You make games that look like you," said Williams.

The majority of game developers are, in fact, white and male. One way to help encourage diversity in the output of video games is to place more diversity in the development staff.

"The kind of characters featured in games are reflective of who is making them," he continued.

Prey was actually brought up several times during the panel, being one of the few examples in the entire history of video games that featured a Native American as a main character.

Via: G4TV