Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ninjas Rescue Student from Muggers

The Herald Sun is reporting that ninjas scared off three thugs who had the misfortune to attack the 27-year-old medical student outside their warrior school.

The German exchange student had been targeted by the men while he was riding the late-night train home. They demanded he give them his wallet but when he refused and got off the train, they followed. They then pounced as he made his way through a dark alley in Sydney's west. They grabbed his phone and iPod and kicked him while he lay on the ground.

However, the men were spotted by a member of a nearby dojo. Nathan Smith told his Sensei and the rest of the students at Ninja Senshi Ryu and they rushed out to confront the thugs - all dressed in traditional black ninja garb. On seeing the ninjas, the men fled, only to be later arrested by police.