Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Encouraging Words are "Encouraging"!

Recently received these encouraging words at my DJ Shwann Facebook account for my recent Mad Hatters Tea Party set @ MYEC.
"Shwann, you had that place goin bananas!" Eric Reyes // "SO MUCH STAGE PRESENCE! And I really appreciate your music Shwann! Also, thank you for the CD last-night! I'm going to play it until melts!" Alexandra Edmonds // "I just heard your "Go Slap Every Breath" Slashup and its fkn goooood! Man that will make some friends jump!" Joaquin Rivera Jr. // "Shwann, that was some of the best electro house music I've ever heard! You killed it!" Gabe Whitfield
Woot! Btw, you can stream or download this set below!

SHWANN @ MYEC (Mad Hatters Tea Party 11) by DJ SHWANN